Wonder has 6 luxurious 1200 square foot lofts that can each comfortably sleep between 6-8 adults. If parties exceed this number of guests, then the lofts can be rented together as adjoining lofts to accommodate up to 40 adults. Many of the adjoining lofts feature connecting doors so families and friends can mix and mingle between lofts and floors. Guests can experience all the luxuries Wonder has to offer with friends and family.
Whether gathering for a wedding, family reunion, or another event, Wonder offers all the amenities to fulfill guests’ needs. Between bathrooms with multi-jet walk-in showers and hand-painted wood flooring, these lavish lofts keep its company comfortable and satisfied.
Enjoy amazing dinner and drinks at Native Food & Drink and wake up to coffee and
fresh baked goods at Be Kind Bake House, both located on the first floor of Wonder.